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Delicious and Easy Homemade Tuna Steak Recipe

Food & Culinary Tours

Tuna steak has become a favorite among health enthusiasts and foodies. It’s no wonder – besides its fantastic taste, the high protein content and omega-3 fatty acids make tuna steak an excellent choice for a healthy meal.

However, many people are still hesitant to make tuna steak at home. They worry about choosing the right fish, fear the meat might become tough, or are unsure about which seasonings to use.

Don’t worry! This article will provide solutions for those who want to master making tuna steak at home.

We’ll cover everything from selecting fresh tuna to proper cooking techniques and secret tricks to enhance the flavor. Get ready – after reading this article, you’ll become an instant tuna steak chef!

Preparation and Ingredient Selection

Choosing Quality tuna


First, we need to know how to select high-quality tuna. This is the key to making delicious steak. Here are some tips:

  • Check the color: Fresh tuna should be pink to dark red. If it’s grayish or black, it’s no longer fresh.
  • Smell it: Fresh tuna has a clean, ocean-like scent. If it smells odd or has no smell at all, it’s best to skip it.
  • Feel the texture: Fresh tuna should be firm and elastic. If it’s soft or hard, it’s past its prime.

Required Ingredients

Now, let’s prepare the ingredients. Here’s the complete list:

Main Ingredients Amount
Fresh tuna 1 kg
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Garlic 3 cloves
Shallots 2 pieces
Teriyaki sauce 2 tbsp
Chili sauce 1 tbsp

Kitchen Tools to Prepare

Before cooking, make sure you have the following equipment ready:

  • Sharp knife: For precise tuna cutting.
  • Cutting board: A safe place to cut the fish.
  • Non-stick pan: To prevent the tuna from sticking while cooking.
  • Spoon: For mixing the seasoning.
  • Fork: To help ensure uniform tuna pieces.

Now we’re ready to start making delicious tuna steak!

How to Make Tasty Tuna Steak

Preparation Steps

  1. Clean the tuna: Carefully remove the skin and gills using a sharp knife.
  2. Cut the tuna: Slice the tuna into 1-2 cm thick pieces. Try to keep them uniform for even cooking.
  3. Marinade: Mix garlic, shallots, salt, pepper, teriyaki sauce, and chili sauce in a bowl.
  4. Marinate the tuna: Soak the tuna pieces in the marinade. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate.

Tuna Steak Cooking Technique

  1. Heat the pan: Pour olive oil into a non-stick pan and heat over medium flame.
  2. Cook the tuna: Grill the tuna for 3-4 minutes per side. Remember, don’t overcook! We want the center to remain pink.

Tips to keep the tuna juicy:

  • Don’t overcook: Overcooked tuna can become tough and lose its deliciousness.
  • Use a non-stick pan: This is crucial to prevent the tuna from sticking and to keep it tender.

Serving the Tuna Steak

Now it’s time for plating! Here are some serving ideas you can try:

  1. Simple is best: Arrange the tuna steak on a plate, drizzle with teriyaki and chili sauce.
  2. Modern style: Add fresh vegetable garnishes like cherry tomatoes and lettuce leaves.

Suitable side dishes:

  • White rice: Classic but always fitting!
  • Fresh salad: Sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce can be refreshing companions.
  • Sautéed vegetables: Stir-fried broccoli or carrots can be healthy complements.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Seasoning and Sauce Variations

To avoid boredom, try these seasoning variations:

  • Black pepper: Add a spicy kick.
  • Wasabi sauce: For Japanese flavor lovers.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

  1. Mistake: Cooking tuna too long Solution: Monitor cooking time closely, 3-4 minutes per side is enough.
  2. Mistake: Tuna not absorbing enough seasoning Solution: Marinate for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight in the fridge.
  3. Mistake: Pan too hot Solution: Use medium heat and a non-stick pan.

Health Benefits of Tuna Steak

Besides being delicious, tuna steak also has numerous health benefits! Let’s take a look:

  • High protein: Good for building muscle and repairing body tissues.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Promotes heart health and smooth digestive system.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Contains vitamin B12, selenium, and calcium, which are important for the body.

Nutritional content in 100 grams of tuna steak:

Nutritional Content Amount
Protein 25-30 grams
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 1-2 grams
Vitamin B12 10-15 mcg
Selenium 20-30 mcg
Calcium 100-150 mg

Psst… For those looking to upgrade their steak cooking skills, steakindonesia.com has many interesting articles!

From proper grilling techniques to suitable side dish choices, they’ve got you covered.

Why not check it out? You might just become a professional steak chef!


So, how about it? Making tuna steak at home isn’t that difficult, right? Let’s recap the steps:

  1. Choose fresh tuna.
  2. Prepare ingredients and equipment.
  3. Marinate the tuna with seasoning.
  4. Cook using the right technique.
  5. Serve in an attractive style.

Now you have a secret recipe to make delicious and healthy tuna steak at home. No more need to frequently visit expensive restaurants!

Don’t forget to share your experience in the comments section. Have your own secret tips? Or want to ask further questions? Let’s discuss together!


Good luck and happy cooking! We guarantee that homemade tuna steak will be addictive and just as good as restaurant-quality!

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