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Best Standing Mixer For Home Bakers: Buying Guide and 3 Best Recommendations!


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Best standing mixer is large kitchen appliances that usually come with a mixing bowl…

… several attachments, and a motor.

Best standing mixer don’t require monitoring, so you can leave them running…

… while doing other things in the kitchen.

When learning how to use a stand mixer, start with a few basic recipes and avoid…

… attempting to make a French pastry or an immaterial five-tiered…

… wedding cake on your first try.

Experts say to consider features, cost and size before investing in best standing mixer.

Figure out what is most important and then look at as much information as possible.

When shopping for a mixer, experts say to think about features, price and size.

Best standing mixer
source: unsplash.com

What to Look for When Buying a Best Standing Mixer

Best standing mixer is an important kitchen tool.

You need to consider how often you’ll use it and how versatile you want it to be.

You also need to consider what features will work best for you and your kitchen.

Bowl Size

Smaller bowl sizes range from 4.5- to 6-quarts.

If you’re a baker who plans on baking only once a week, a smaller bowl size may work well for you.

You can easily bake a single sheet cake, two loaves of bread, three dozen cupcake…

… or a few dozen 2.5- inch chocolate chip cookies in a 4.5-quart bowl.

If your goal is to bake more frequently, step your bowl size up to an 8-quart bowl.

But keep in mind that larger bowls may actually be harder to use…

… when you’re trying to handle smaller batches.

You may be able t o whip up seven pounds of buttercream in a row…

… but you’re less likley to be able to whip a half cup of heavy whipping cream.

Mixers should be sized according to what you need them to do.

A mixer that holds 4 cups of flour can also mix 4 cup batches of batter.

But if you want to make a batch of cake that requires 12 cups of flour…

… then your mixer needs to be able to handle this much.


Mixer size should match the volume and type of recipes you’ll be making with it.

A smaller mixer with less power can handle light cakes, while a bigger mixer with…

… more power can handle heavy cookies.

Choose best standing mixer with enough power to handle the heaviest doughs…

… as well as the largest baking pans.

The best standing mixer with a higher wattage motor is better because it uses less electricity to run.

It also makes mixing faster. However, if you want to save money, then buy a cheaper model.

Controls and Settings

Mixers come in different sizes and shapes.

A low speed mixer is usually sufficient for most recipes.

You want the mixer to stir slowly, and if you need a higher speed, then add more time to the recipe.

Look for a mixer that has a slow start function.

These functions make sure that liquids do not fly out of the bowl when the mixer starts up.

A tilt-head style mixer needs to be locked when in the mixing position.

If you’re using a tilt-head style, make sure that the tilt head locks while in the mixing mode.

Also make sure that the best standing mixer doesn’t jump around when mixing.


Best standing mixer is an affordable kitchen tools that are easy to use.

You can get a quality stand mixer in any price range.

Consider how often you’ll be mixing things, and choose a high-quality best standing mixer.

Overall Size and Weight

Counter space is almost always at the most premium place…

… so adding another appliance can be a struggle.

You need to measure the clearance under your cabinets.

Best standing mixer comes in different sizes for just this purpose.

If storing a stand mixer on the counter is not an option, you should consider machines…

… that are lighter and smaller for easy storage in a cupboard or on a shelf.

A light-weight stand mixer can be easier to move around than heavy models.

Generally speaking, the size of a best standing mixer is one of the features…

… that determine how well it mixes.

Mixers over 20 pounds tend to be unstable and difficult to move around.

However, the weight also provides stability…

… so it is less likely to creep across the counter while mixing and walk away.

Best Standing Mixer Recommendations!

Cuisinart SM-50 5.5 – Quart Stand Mixer, White

Kitchenaid Artisan Mini Plus 3.5-Qt. Tilt-Head Stand Mixer with Flex Edge Beater

KICHOT Stand Mixer, 10.6 QT 800W Full Metal Body Tilt-Head Food Mixer, 6-Speed Kitchen Electric Mixer with Dough Hook, Flat Beater, Wire Whisk and Splash Guard -SM-1570N(Grey)

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