Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person’s kilograms by height in meters.
High body fatness can be indicated by a high BMI.
The BMI provides a screening method for overweight or obese individuals…
…but it does not diagnose the individual’s health or body fatness.
A table or chart may be used to calculate BMI…
….with a function of mass and height represented by contour lines or colors…
…for different BMI categories (converted to metric measurements for calculation).

A BMI is a convenient way to categorize a person….
….based on tissue mass (muscle, fat, and bone) and height…
….as either underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.
According to the BMI classification systems, the following adult weight categories exist:
underweight (under 18.5 kg/m2), normal weight (18.5 to 24.9), overweight (25 to 29.9), and obese (over 30).
In terms of predicting an individual’s health rather than predicting the health of a group…
….the BMI does not offer the same benefits as some of the alternatives…
…especially for people with abdominal obesity, short stature…
…or unusually high muscle mass.
These distinctions are not unusual to vary along the linear scale over time…
…and across countries, thus complicating global, longitudinal survey data collection.
In people of different populations and descent, BMI, body fat percentage level…
…and health risks are associated in different ways; in general…
….people from lower BMIs have higher risks of diabetes and heart disease…
…although the observed risk is largely dependent on the group.
In Europe, Asia, and Africa, the cutoff for observed risk varies…
…by population and subpopulation.
Now, let’s hear a successful story below…
The obesity epidemic has become a Global pandemic, and with obesity being such a huge problem…
…it’s no wonder that people are looking for ways to lower their risk of developing obesity.
One way that people have been able to reduce their risk of becoming obese is..
…by using a BMI calculator program.
These programs allow people to calculate their own BMI, and based on this information…
…they can then make informed decisions about how to improve their fitness level…
…and reduce their risk of developing obesity.
Let’s get back to the topic….
How To Use The BMI Calculator
To get started, simply enter your gender and age.
After that, enter your height and current weight.
Select the appropriate activity level: Sedentary, lightly active…
…moderately active, very active, or extra active.
Then just Calculate to see your BMI result.
It will ask you to choose an activity level that best represents your lifestyle..
…when you use the calculator.
Honesty is key!
You will not gain muscle mass if you claim to be very active but are not.
BMI Calculator
BMI Results – How Should I Interpret Them
A person with overweight or obesity has an abnormal…
…or excessive amount of fat on their body, which can negatively impact health.
Among adults, body mass index (BMI) is the easiest way…
…to classify overweight or obesity based on weight for height.
The ratio is determined by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms..
…by his height in meters (kg/m2).

It may be a sign you aren’t eating enough or you might be ill if you are underweight.
Underweight people should seek help from a general practitioner or a doctor.
Normal weight
You’re doing a great job!
When you’re overweight, the best way to lose weight is through a combination of diet and exercise.
This BMI calculator will help you find the right amount of calories to help you lose weight safely.
Losing weight while obese involves a combination of diet, exercise, and, if necessary, medicine. Get advice from your doctor.
How To Use BMI To Get Ideal Weight
First, Check your BMI result in our calculator to determine whether your current weight…
…is healthy or not. You can also consult to your doctor for more detail information.
BMI results can be used as a starting point for further discussion with your GP about your weight and general health.
Additionally, you may be given a waist measurement.
When you measure your waist, you can make sure you are not carrying too much fat around your stomach…
…which can raise your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.
It is possible to have a healthy BMI and still have excess belly fat….
…meaning you are still at risk of developing these diseases.
Your doctor may take your blood pressure and conduct other tests…
….such as a blood test, to check for any health conditions that may be related to your weight.
So, What’s Your Next Move?
- Track your progress and calories using a method you prefer. Depending on your preference, you may do this either on paper or through a mobile app.
- Over time, review your progress and make changes as necessary. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) will fluctuate according to your weight loss. Therefore, your calorie intake plan may need to be adjusted as you continue to make progress.
What is a healthy BMI?
You are underweight if your weight is less than 18.5 pounds.
You are within the healthy weight range of 18.5 to 24.9.
If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight.
You’re considered obese if your BMI is between 30 and 39.9.
What foods to eat to lower your BMI?
- At least five servings of fruits and vegetables should be consumed each day. Generally speaking, a fruit or vegetable is more nutritious if it is more colorful. Dark green spinach, for instance, contains more nutrients than iceberg lettuce, which is light green.
- Pick whole grain options for your bread, rice, pasta, and cereal. Many products with the words “whole wheat” or “whole grain” on the front are really created mostly out of white, processed flour, which is far less nutrient-dense. To ensure that “whole wheat” or “whole grain” is the first component listed, always verify the ingredients. And don’t let a dish’s appearance fool you. For instance, some dark brown breads aren’t whole grain-based; they’re dyed with coffee or other colors. Also, keep in mind that whole grain rice is brown, not white.
- Avoid foods high in sugar, such as pastries, cereal with added sugar, soda, and beverages with fruit flavors.
- We can get the protein and calcium we need by eating low-fat or no-fat (skim) milk, low-fat cheese, and low-fat or no-fat yoghurt. Each day, try to have 2-4 servings of low- or no-fat dairy products.
The Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measure of your weight compared with your height.
Obesity is an important factor in determining your risk of a variety of medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
In light of increasing levels of overweight or obesity…
…the spotlight has been turned to BMI and its shortcomings…
…as a measure of ideal weight for individuals, rather than whole populations of people.
“Some people naturally have a larger frame than others. But this causes quite a small variation in weight and is accounted for in the range of healthy BMI. There is really no such thing as someone who is big-boned.”
Dr Jan Sambrook, General Practitioner, Medical Author
Frequently Asked Questions
Can BMI be used for predicting health risks like diabetes and heart disease?
Medical studies have shown that body mass index (BMI)..
…can be used to predict health risks like diabetes and heart disease.
BMI is a measure of weight in relation to height..
…and is considered the most accurate indicator of obesity.
People who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of developing health problems…
…like diabetes and heart disease.
Is it safe to go above my healthy weight range if I’m trying to lose weight?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.. the best way to lose weight depends on your individual body type…
…health history, and current diet.
However, generally speaking, adding more healthy fats and proteins to your diet…
…and avoiding processed foods and excessive sugar intake are both good ideas..
…if you’re overweight or obese.
Additionally, regularly exercising will help you burn more calories and lose weight faster.
Can I still lose weight if I have high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease?
Yes, you can still lose weight if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.
However, it’s important that you work with a certified health coach or doctor…
…who can help you individualize a healthy weight loss plan specifically..
…for your body and health condition.
More Calculator For You!
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Hi there! I’m a food enthusiast and journalist, and I have a real passion for food that goes beyond the kitchen. I love my dream job and I’m lucky enough to be able to share my knowledge with readers of several large media outlets. My specialty is writing engaging food-related content, and I take pride in being able to connect with my audience. I’m known for my creativity in the kitchen, and I’m confident that I can be the perfect guide for anyone looking to take their culinary journey to the next level.