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How to Deep Clean an Air Fryer – Top Tips

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Some models are much easier to clean an air fryer than others…

…according to our tests. This is the quickest way to clean an air fryer.

Deep-frying can be a disaster. Sure, the food tastes great…

…but the oil tends to splatter, and then there’s the spent fat to deal with.

An air fryer, on the other hand, cooks with hot air…

…and very little best oil, making cleanup a breeze.

But you’re not completely free of responsibility.

clean an air fryer
credit: thekitchn.com

Any oil or fat rendered by the food drips down into the bottom…

….of the pull-out basket drawer during air-frying.

After a few batches of fries, you might not notice the grease…

…building up in the drawer and on the heating element…

…but as your food cooks, you may notice odors or even see smoke.

Those bits trapped in the holes of the basket will continue….

…to cook and may burn to a crisp.

As a result, you must clean an air fryer after each use.

The nooks and crannies on some air fryer components,,,

,,,as well as the crevices on the exterior, are difficult to clean, according to our testers.

As reflected in our air fryer ratings, only one of the 34 models…

…currently in our ratings receives an Excellent rating in our cleaning test…

…and only a dozen more receive a Very Good rating.

In terms of clean an air fryer ease, the majority receive a Good…

…or lower rating, implying that some elbow grease is required.

Here is Grace’s experience…

I have a quiet new air fryer but it is, you can say, broke now…

I font know what exactly happened. But it’s become weird…

after I put it in the dishwasher. I really need to know how to…

clean an air fryer the next time I have it.

Read your user manual. Every air fryer brand will have their own set of rules.


Here is how you can clean an air fryer…

How to Clean an Air Fryer

clean an air fryer
Credit: mashed.com

We noted this in our ratings because many of the air fryers we tested…

;;;23 out of 34, claim to have dishwasher-safe components.

Clean an air fryer tips specific to your air fryer will be found…

…in the owner’s manual, but here’s what Larry Ciufo…

…who tests air fryers for CR, recommends:

  • Don’t delay cleaning, or you’ll come to regret it. “If you leave the crumbs and bits of food in the basket and drawer overnight, it will be a nightmare to clean an ait fryer,” Ciufo warns. “When you’re finished cooking, unplug the air fryer, set it aside to cool, and then empty the oil from the pullout drawer and discard it.” Clean the grate, basket, and drawer while they’re still hot if you’re air-frying food with a sticky sauce, such as marinated ribs. The mess will come off easier.
  • Clean the removable components with warm, soapy water. Use a soft sponge or cloth—no abrasives. If food is stuck on any of the parts, soak them in hot water and dish detergent to loosen the food, then clean.  
  • Use a wooden skewer or toothpick to poke out food that may be stuck in the basket or grate. Dry the components separately.
  • Clean the inside of the air fryer using a damp cloth dipped in warm soapy water. The basket and drawer should still be removed. Check the heating element for grease and food debris and wipe clean. (Some manufacturers say you can use a soft brush—but not steel wire—to remove stuck-on food.) Dry, then reassemble.
  • Wipe the exterior. Use a damp cloth or sponge, then dry the appliance.

Anyway, if you are looking for a great air fryer, here’s what I recommend you!

How to Deal With Lingering Odors

When a food emits a strong odor while cooking…

…the odor may linger in your air fryer even after it has been cleaned.

The food basket and drawer should be soaked in soapy water…

…for 30 to 60 minutes before cleaning again, according to NewAir…

….the manufacturer of Magic Chef air fryers. If the odor persists…

…cut a lemon in half and rub it all over the basket…

….and drawer for 30 minutes before rewashing.

Be Careful With Nonstick

The nonstick coating on some air fryer components flakes off over time…

…according to customer complaints on our website and elsewhere.

Although we haven’t seen this (our tests evaluate performance right out of the box)..

…our advice for other nonstick cookware applies here as well…

Metal utensils, steel wool, and other abrasives can scratch…

…or chip the nonstick coating, so avoid using them.

Also, don’t use the air fryer if the nonstick coating is flaking…

Instead, contact the manufacturer’s customer service department…

…and request a replacement basket, or try returning the air fryer to the store.

clean an air fryer
Credit: thekitchn.com

What Not to Do When You Clean an Air Fryer

Always avoid using utensils to remove stuck-on food from your air fryer….

Handy’s head of cleaning Bailey Carson says that the nonstick coating…

…on your air fryer is very easy to scratch and wear away when scraped by utensils.

Steel wool, metal scrubbers, and abrasive sponges are also suitable….

You shouldn’t use disinfectant to clean an air fryer…

…since disinfectants aren’t typically safe for food-contact surfaces.

If you decide to use a sanitizing solution to prevent germs….

…from spreading to your air fryer, check the label to make sure….

…it’s been approved for food-contact surfaces, advises Hutchings.

Chlorine, iodine, and quaternary ammonium are approved sanitizers….

For air fryer baskets, trays, and pans, the dishwasher is another great sanitizer…

…just make sure you check your manual first.

Be sure your air fryer is unplugged before wiping it down….

…and avoid submerging the main unit in water….

….to prevent electrical shocks or short circuits.

How Often You Should Clean an Air Fryer

In order to prevent charred food and gunk buildup…

…your air fryer should be cleaned after every use. There are certain parts…

…however, where an occasional cleaning will suffice.

The basket, tray, and pan of your air fryer must be cleaned after each use…

….says Bedwyr. Depending on the model of air fryer, these can either….

…be washed by hand or thrown into the dishwasher.

Wiping down the interior after each use is also recommended….

According to Bedwyr, since air fryers use minimal oil to operate….

…there isn’t as much greasy residue left behind after use….

…so you don’t have to clean the appliance’s exterior as often as its interior.

You should wipe down your air fryer’s exterior after each use…

If there is oil residue on your air fryer’s heating coil….

…you can clean it every couple of months. If you see the coil has become dirty…

…Bedwyr recommends unplugging the air fryer…

…and wiping it down with a damp cloth. Let it thoroughly dry before re-using it.

clean an air fryer
Credit: bestgamingpro.com

Sum Up

Your air fryer is likely one of your favorite kitchen appliances…

…and it comes in so handy to cook foods quickly and without excessive oil.

You can have crisped fish sticks or chicken wings made without oil…

…and perfect al dente zucchini noodles, or leftovers reheated to perfection.

After every use, air fryers should be cleaned. Even after using minimal…

…or no added oil, food bits and grease can accumulate..

…and cause your air fryer to smell, or even begin to smoke.

Following are some tips from the Good Housekeeping Institute…

…to make cleaning your air fryer a breeze…

…whether you use a basket-style or tray model:

  • Once the air fryer has cooled completely, unplug it and turn it off. The drawer should be pulled out and the basket or tray taken out.
  • If your air fryer is dishwasher-safe, place the drawer and basket or tray, depending on what your air fryer has, upside down in the dishwasher, preferably on the top shelf. 


how do you usually clean a air fryer?

Share with us your experience when you clean an air fryer!

Or, if you have more questions about how to clean an air fryer…

…feel free to leave a comment!


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