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Using A Leather Strop With Compound – Tips

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Sharpening a blade includes several steps…

….but stropping is the last one.

But how to use a leather strop with compound?

However, which side of the strop provides the best finish…

…the smooth leather side or the suede side?

The side of the leather strop that should be used…

…to polish the blade isn’t always clear to people.   

The fact is…

Straight razors, knives, and larger blades are usually…

…stropped with the suede side of the leather to enlarge the bevel…

…while straight razors are usually stropped with the smooth side. 

Is it important to strop a blade with a certain kind of leather as a sharpener?

Doesn’t a blade just happen to be a blade?

This article will discuss the stropping process in the context…

..of why leather type matters so much…

and how to use a leather strop with compound?

how to use a leather strop with compound
Credit: adventureworn.com

Now let’s hear Dave’s story…

Maintaining all tools in good condition should become a habit…

At the beginning of my career, I learned this lesson…

I have damaged some of my tools by avoiding putting an edge on them….

Just didn’t want to waste my time edging those tools…

I became very fond of this process as time passed and I consider it a form of meditation now….

Those who regularly carve should sharpen their knives every day….

As a result, you will have a knife that performs at its best and lasts forever….

Keep one leather strop on hand for daily use at all times. ..

You also need to learn how to use a leather strop with compound…

If you want a leather strop that meets all your needs,…

..you should try out a few before settling on one.

If you’ve ever used a truly sharp knife, you’ve felt that exquisite moment as the knife glides through whatever you’re cutting like it’s a cloud. Knife enthusiasts yearn for edges like this and entire industries have been built around achieving it. This is where stropping comes in.


To maintain your knife you should do regular stropping..

Using compound or not, stropping is a must..

But here, guide how to use a leather strop with compound for you!

Here we go…

How to Use a Leather Strop with Compound

how to use a leather strop with compound
Credit: lumberjocks.com

Compound should be included ..

when we talking about how to use leather strop with compound…

You can choose from suede or smooth leather strops….

There are even cases where both sides have a spat….

As a result, the better choice is of course a matter of personal preference….

While suede is commonly used for plain stropping…

…compounds and smooth for compound stropping are not always used…

…in conjunction. It has been found that the decision is a combination…

…of personal preference and the type of edge being sharpened.

Honing compounds, the ultrafine abrasives…

…that leave an edge reflecting a mirror finish…

..are frequently used with strops. To begin using a compound…

…apply a thin layer to the surface of the strop.

A little compound goes a long way, so don’t overuse it….

Press the bevel lightly against the surface of the strop….

…and move the blade away from the cutting edge.

Make sure the blade is working correctly on the opposite side as well….

You can use the same process on any stropping surface…

…whether or not you are using a honing compound.

The blade should never be moved toward the cutting edge…

…as this will cause the strop to be damaged, dulling the edge.

The usual amount of strokes is sufficient….

You should use a strop as soon as possible after sharpening an edge….

Maintaining razor sharpness requires this step to be performed consistently…

Compounds are either used or not used based on personal preference…

…in our experience. With either method, excellent results may be achieved…

…although honing compound with its abrasive particles…

…will show results more quickly. In the interest of being thorough…

…many of us apply compound to one strop…

…then follow up with a few strokes on a plain strop.

On the other hand, knife and tool users often use a compound on their strops…

As a result, they find it provides them an excellent advantage…

…to meet their needs quickly and easily.

And that’s it for how to use a leather strop with compound..

Now let’s move one…

Should You Use a Compound with the Smooth Leather?

how to use a leather strop with compound
Credit : takamura-dc.com

When stropping a straight razor, personal preference dictates…

…whether or not you use a compound with a smooth side.

Even without compound, the smooth leather of a strop…

…can provide an excellent polish and remove any stray burs.

In combination with smooth leather, the compound…

…gives the blade after sharpening a smooth, even edge.

It is accomplished by pushing the blade teeth further back…

…into alignment with the abrasive particles.

Sharpeners using smooth leather sides of strops generally do not use many…

..if any, compounds. Its grain size ensures that the blade…

…is exceptionally well polished due to the grain size.

Should You Use A Compound When Stropping Your Knife Blade?

Using compound or stropping a razor is a personal choice, just like shaving…

Compounds (also known as loaded strops) are a fantastic technique…

…to polish a sharpened knife after it has been sharpened.

The grains in the compound operate in tandem…

…with the suede to align the blades’ tiny teeth.

It also aids in the removal of any superfluous metal that cannot be adjusted…

The blade has an especially refined and polished finish…

…because to the combination of coarse grains from both…

…the smooth leather and the compound.

Some sharpeners, on the other hand…

…are happy with the results of simply stropping with suede.

More info about best leather strop, just in case you need it!

19 Tips How To Use A Leather Strop with Compound

Here are 19 tips how to use a leather strop with compound you can apply…

  • To effectively use leather to sharpen your knives you should first understand the role leather plays in the entire sharpening process (as discussed earlier in this article) and the physical structure of the knife blade.
  • Knives have microscopic teeth that curl, bend, or misalign as they are used. A magnifying glass will reveal the zigzag teeth.
  • The more sharp the blade, the smoother the leather has to be.
  • Leather sharpens your knife on a microscopic or minute level.
  • Honing, realigning, and refining knives use leather much more effectively than sharpening. Polishing compounds can only be applied to a leather surface to sharpen it.
  • You can sharpen your knives with leather on a daily basis.
  • An old leather belt can be used to sharpen or hone knives.
  • Before you begin sharpening your knife, wet the leather you intend to use with ordinary water. Maintains the knife’s stability when cutting leather.
  • Hold your leather straps firmly so that they can be sharpened well.
  • When sharpening your knife with leather, you want to keep an angle of 25 – 45 degrees to avoid cutting through the leather.
  • Your first time sharpening your knife with leather, you should go really slowly to avoid cutting yourself or cutting through the leather.
  • Make sure that the knife is always sharpened with the same angle.
  • Keep the cutting edge (of the knife) away from yourself while you work with the leather.
  • Be sure to rub all surfaces of the blade over the leather before dragging the knife over it.
  • In the case of knives with curves, you would want to rotate the knife along its curve.
  • When you’re sharpening your knife with leather, don’t take very long strides.
  • If you flip the knife around to sharpen another side, you should ensure that the cutting edge is still facing away from you.
  • When sharpening, keep the blade facing down as you draw it towards you.
  • Make sure you use nice even strokes instead of applying a lot of pressure.
how to use a leather strop with compound

Sum It Up

Once you have a clear idea on how to use a leather strop with compound..

..it is time to put that knowledge to work.

If you still have knowledge gaps, take some time to fill them in…

The results you’ll get when you strop a knife will blow you awa…

.. if you’ve never done it before.

It is important that you follow safety precautions…

…since you will be dealing with sharp edges.

You can practice the stropping techniques you learned..

..and learn to become a better stropper.

Good luck with your knives and may experience be your guide!


There are some great details I have shared in this article…

…on how to use a leather strop with compound

I also concluded by sharing 19 tips for how to use a leather strop with compound .

I hope this article was useful..

..and that I have brought a little bit of clarity to your understanding of this topic.

Thanks for sticking around!

If you have more question about how to use a leather strop with compound…

..feel free to contact us!

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