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Garlic Tea, Superb 7 Benefits About This Beverage

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What Is Garlic Tea?

Garlic (Allium sativum) is a perennial herb native to Central Asia. The bulb…

….produced by the plant is utilized in culinary and health therapies all over the world. Historians think that throughout history, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Japanese, and Native Americans utilized garlic for nutritional and medicinal purposes. Garlic is also known as god’s nectar, poor man’s treacle, and stinking rose.

Garlic powder, oil, and supplements are widely accessible. Garlic supplements can be produced from garlic oil, fresh, dried, or aged garlic, or a combination of the two. Each may have a distinct effect on the body, according to Penn State Medical Center.

How to Make Garlic Tea at Home

You might find garlic tea bags online or in the health food store. However, garlic tea can easily be made at home with simple ingredients that you’ll find at any market, including:

  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice honey

Fill a saucepan with three cups of water . Add garlic cloves that have been peeled and cut in half. Bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and add lemon juice and honey. Take out the garlic and serve warm or store to reheat for later. There are variations to this garlic tea recipe. For example, some people add ginger to the tea for added flavor and increased health benefits. Also, the ginger reduces the strong garlic odor.

Garlic Tea Health Benefits

There are many reasons why drinking garlic tea could benefit your overall well being. Here are just a few:

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Studies show that consuming garlic regularly lowers total blood cholesterol by up to 10 percent. This benefit comes without side effects like those commonly experienced when taking statin drugs. In addition, garlic has an anti-inflammatory property that helps prevent heart disease. It works well against atherosclerosis because it inhibits platelet aggregation and prevents clotting.

Protects Your Immune System

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating two servings per day of raw garlic significantly reduced cold virus infections. Raw garlic is more effective than cooked garlic because its active compounds remain intact after processing. A daily dose of garlic was shown to reduce upper respiratory tract infection symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose, headache, fever, etc.

Boosts Energy

According to research conducted by University College London, garlic improves brain function and increases alertness. One reason why garlic boosts energy could be due to its ability to improve circulation and increase oxygen flow through the bloodstream. Another possible explanation involves the fact that garlic stimulates the central nervous system.

Enhances Digestion

When consumed, garlic aids digestion by stimulating stomach acid production and increasing bile secretion. These actions help break down fats and proteins into smaller molecules so they can pass through the digestive tract easier. Because of these properties, garlic tea is often recommended before meals.

Prevents Cancer Growth

In vitro studies suggest that garlic’s sulfur compounds inhibit tumor cell proliferation. The compound allicin also appears to kill prostate cells. Other researchers believe that the anticancer activity of garlic results from the presence of organosulfur compounds called thiosulphinates. Thiosulphinate compounds appear to interfere with DNA synthesis. They do not affect healthy tissue but selectively target malignant tumors.

Research shows that garlic kills many types of harmful microbes, including viruses, fungi, parasites, and even antibiotic resistant strains. Moreover, garlic tea provides protection against bacterial vaginosis caused by Lactobacillus species. BV causes vaginal discharge which smells bad and sometimes leads to yeast infections. Drinking garlic tea will keep the vagina free of pathogens.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Several studies indicate that garlic decreases serum triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while improving HDL cholesterol. Additionally, garlic tea promotes good cholesterol formation and enhances lipid metabolism. Therefore, drinking garlic tea should lower overall risk factors for coronary artery diseases.

Stimulates Weight Loss

One way to lose weight is by reducing calorie intake. Eating less calories means burning off extra fat stored in the body. Some experts recommend adding garlic to diet plans to boost metabolic rate and promote weight loss. When combined with exercise, garlic tea can lead to significant weight reduction.

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