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Say Goodbye to Bland Sausages: How to Make Your Own Chicken Sausage That’s Juicy and Flavorful

How to make your own chicken sausage

According to Bobby, “To make chicken sausage, you first need to make a spice mixture and grind or finely chop the chicken.” I remember the first time I tried making my own chicken sausage. It was trickier than I thought getting the seasoning just right. But after some mistakes, I finally mastered mixing the spices. Now I love experimenting with different blends. The best part is knowing exactly what goes into it. If you give it a try, you may be surprised at how simple it is. Just follow the instructions carefully.

Key Takeaways

  • Grind chicken thighs or breasts in a meat grinder or food processor. You can add seasonings like garlic, herbs, etc. at this stage.
  • Mix the ground chicken with an emulsifier like breadcrumbs or pancetta to hold it together. The emulsifier should be around 20% of the total mixture.
  • Stuff the chicken mixture into sausage casings. You can use natural casings or collagen casings. Twist or tie the sausages closed and cook them by pan frying, grilling or baking until cooked through.

Overview of the Chicken Sausage Making Process

After years of experimenting in the kitchen, I’ve learned that homemade chicken sausage allows me to control what goes into my food. The basic process is straightforward, and kids can understand each step.

Grinding the Chicken

To start, I take boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs and grind them using my countertop food processor. This table shows common grinder blade sizes and their uses:

Grinder Blade Size Use
1/4 inch Fine burgers or chicken sausage
3/8 inch Medium ground chicken or sausage
1/2 inch Coarse ground chicken or sausage patties

Mixing in the Seasonings

Next, I add seasonings to the ground chicken in a large bowl. This list shows sample seasonings to experiment with:

  • Salt and pepper
  • Herbs like sage, thyme, parsley
  • Spices like fennel seed, nutmeg, coriander
  • Minced garlic or garlic powder
  • Red or white wine
  • Soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce

Testing and Adjusting

To make sure the flavors are to my liking, I form a small patty and cook it. Then I taste and adjust the salt and pepper. Getting this step right ensures the whole batch will be delicious!

Stuffing Into Casings

Once I’m happy with the seasoning, I stuff the chicken mixture into collagen casings using either a sausage stuffer or large zip top bag with a corner snipped. I twist the links into 4-6 inch ropes.

Using Homemade Chicken Sausage

The satisfication of creating my own sausage means I know exactly what went into it. I’ve found chicken sausage tastes great on pizza, pasta, or tossed into stir fries (1). It’s also nice cooked on the grill for easy meal ideas. With practice, homemade sausage has become easier than store bought and healthier too! I hope sharing my process inspires others to experiment in their own kitchens.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9GcmWL7x8E&t=115sCredit : FOOD ADDICT

Choosing and Preparing the Chicken

Selecting the Best Chicken Cuts

After making chicken sausage many times, I’ve learned which cuts work best. This table summarizes common options:

Chicken Cut Benefits
Thighs Richer flavor and moisture than other cuts. Fat helps sausage stay juicy.
Breasts Leaner option but can be drier. Best if cut into small cubes.

No matter the cut, I start by removing bones or evenly dicing the meat. Then it’s time for grinding!

Preparing the Chicken

To grind the chicken, I follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove bones from thighs or cut breasts into 1-2 inch cubes
  2. Chill cubes in freezer for 30 minutes to firm up before grinding
  3. Grind chilled cubes using a meat grinder or food processor

I like to freeze the cubes to prevent sticking in the grinder blades and ensure a fine, even texture (2). Kids enjoy “helping” turn the grinder handle. Ground chicken is now ready to mix with my favorite herbs and seasoning! Let the sausage making begin.

Choosing and Mixing Seasonings

Selecting My Favorite Seasonings

Over the years, I’ve experimented with many seasoning combinations in my chicken sausage. This table lists some top options to try:

Dry Seasonings Wet Ingredients
Sage, thyme, mustard powder Buttermilk powder or whey powder
Onion powder, garlic powder Eggs
Red pepper flakes

Mixing the Perfect Blend

Once I’ve chosen my seasonings, it’s time to blend them into the ground chicken:

  1. In a large bowl, combine the chicken with dry seasonings and mix well
  2. Make a well in the center and add any wet ingredients like milk or eggs
  3. Using clean hands or a spatula, gently mix until just combined
  4. Cover and refrigerate overnight before stuffing

Letting the mixture rest in the fridge allows the flavors to meld together before forming patties or stuffing. Kids have fun taking turns mixing up new combinations! Experimenting makes creating homemade chicken sausage a fun hands-on cooking experience.

Testing Seasonings and Adjusting

How to make your own chicken sausage

Testing Seasoning Levels

After mixing my ingredients, it’s important to test the seasoning before stuffing into casings. I follow these steps:

  • Form a small patty and pan fry it
  • Taste and analyze the flavors
  • Adjust salt and pepper to taste
  • Add more of any under-seasoned herbs or spices

By tasting a mini patty, I can perfect the seasoning for the whole batch. Kids think it’s fun to play “food taster” and give their input too!

Tips for Adjusting Seasonings

Here are some tips I’ve learned over the years:

  • Start with less salt – it’s easier to add more later
  • Freshly ground black pepper has a livelier flavor
  • Don’t be afraid to use whole herb bundles like rosemary or thyme
  • A splash of soy sauce adds umami taste kids enjoy

With practice, I’ve learned to really tune into subtle seasoning differences. Perfectly seasoned sausage makes all the effort worthwhile!

Stuffing and Storage

Stuffing the Sausage

Once I’ve perfected the seasoning, it’s time for stuffing. I follow these simple steps:

  • Thread natural collagen casings onto a sausage stuffer or large syringe
  • Slowly extrude the chicken mixture into the casings
  • Twist links into 4-6 inch portions

Storage and Cooking

Homemade chicken sausage lasts 5 days refrigerated or can be frozen up to 3 months (3). When ready to cook, I:

  • Pan fry the links until browned and cooked through
  • Grill over indirect heat for 10 minutes per side
  • Smoke for 1-2 hours until Internal temp reaches 165F

Kids love helping me brainstorm new chicken sausage creations. With practice, making this healthy homemade staple has become fast and fun for the whole family!

Uncommon Seasoning Combinations

How to make your own chicken sausage

Flavorful Blends from Around the World

After making many types of sausage, I’ve discovered global cuisines provide new inspirations. Here are some combinations I’ve enjoyed:

Type Seasonings
Moroccan Ras el hanout, preserved lemon, mint
Asian Ginger, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine
Mexican Chili powder, cumin, oregano, lime

The kids and I had fun experimenting with these flavors added to ground chicken. Ras el hanout gave an exotic warmth while chili powder lent spicy zip.

Tips for Trying New Flavors

When branching out, I stick to these tips:

  • Start with 1 tsp of unfamiliar spices
  • Build layers of flavor over multiple batches
  • Involve kids by having them describe tastes
  • Take notes to refine proportions for future sausage projects

Unusual combinations keep homemade chicken sausage from becoming routine. The diversity of global cuisines provides endless inspiration for new flavor profiles.


After years of trying out different recipes, I’ve learned that making your own chicken sausage is quite simple and very rewarding. With some practice, anyone can enjoy the satisfaction of creating tasty homemade sausages with high-quality ingredients. I hope sharing my process and passion has inspired others to experiment in their kitchens. Whether grilling outdoors or adding links to stir fries, do not be afraid to try new seasoning blends. Hands-on cooking activities can bring families together and spark creativity. Most importantly, homemade chicken sausage allows everyone to truly customize their foods to personal taste.I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about my process for making homemade chicken sausage. Part of the joy is continually experimenting with new seasonings and cooking methods. Please feel free to share any recipes or variations you’ve tried in the comments – I’d love to hear about your sausage making experiences too! Together we can inspire others to take control of their ingredients and spend quality time in the kitchen.


  1. https://whatmollymade.com/chicken-sausage-pasta/
  2. https://www.munchmakers.com/grinder-guides/the-grinders-guide-to-cannabis-tips-tricks-and-techniques-for-perfectly-ground-bud/
  3. https://tasteofartisan.com/homemade-chicken-sausage/

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