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RMR Calculator: How Many Calories Do I Burn A Day Resting?


Resting metabolic rate (also called RMR) is the rate at which your body burns energy when at rest. By calculating your RMR, you can learn what your body needs to perform basic bodily functions, such as breathing and circulatory system activity. You burn calories every day, or total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), to achieve your RMR.

How To Use The RMR Calculator

To get started, simply enter your gender and age. After that, enter your height and current weight.

Select the appropriate activity level: Sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, very active, or extra active.

Then Enter Goal Weight, body fat, and waist. Lastly, just calculate to see your RMR result.

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It will ask you to choose an activity level that best represents your lifestyle when you use the calculator. Honesty is key! You will not gain muscle mass if you claim to be very active but are not.

RMR Calculator

Before using the data obtained using this calculator, please consult with doctor.

RMR Results – How Should I Interpret Them

It might be tempting to compare your RMR with those of other people once you know yours. Your RMR might raise questions about its normality. Several sources report that women’s RMRs are between 1400 and 1600 calories/day and that men’s are slightly higher at 1650.

It is most accurate to visit a licensed facility in order to determine your RMR. It involves breathing into a small device for roughly 10 minutes because most of the CO2 your body produces during respiration leaves your mouth. This is, however, very expensive, and you can use a free online calculator that is accurate to within 300 calories.

How To Use RMR To Get Ideal Weight

The number of calories you burn daily (including exercise and NEAT) is crucial to losing weight effectively. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, but there is no exact science to determine those numbers. Metabolic testing may be more accurate at some gyms or medical centers.

Remember that the number you get when you calculate your RMR is only an estimate. There’s no such thing as an exact number, whether you go to the gym or to a lab. You are simply sizing up your body’s energy expenditure based on the best guess. You should know this if you are trying to gain or lose weight.

Eat slightly more than your recommended daily intake to lose weight. Your body will get the rest of the calories it needs each day from its stored energy sources, e.g. fat. Any serious diet change should be discussed with your doctor before starting, and if you feel pain, stop immediately.

So, What’s Your Next Move?

  • Track your progress and calories using a method you prefer. Depending on your preference, you may do this either on paper or through a mobile app.
  • Over time, review your progress and make changes as necessary. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) will fluctuate according to your weight loss. Therefore, your calorie intake plan may need to be adjusted as you continue to make progress.


Everyone has a different resting metabolism. Your weight, gender, age, and body composition affect your RMR. As an example, a large, muscular body may require more energy (more calories) to maintain its resting state than a small, frail body.

Besides the RMR, there is also the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Those calories aren’t accounted for in the calculation. Because of this, RMR is thought to be a more reliable method of estimating resting calories. The body usually digests a certain amount of food every minute. The minimum time required to perform a basal metabolic rate measurement (in a lab environment) is 12 hours (whereas RMR can be performed without a fast).

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