You can use a pressure cooker to make soups, risottos, and speed up the cooking process for slow-cooker dishes like casseroles. Our 10 tips will help you make the most of yours. looking for best instant pot pressure cooker? we have compiled some reviews you can use as reference.
Slow-cook dishes can be quickly prepared in pressure cookers. Both in terms of power consumption and in terms of tenderizing cheaper cuts of meat, they’re economical. A healthy cooking method, they can reduce cooking times by up to 50% and retain nutrients well. It’s a good place to start if you’ve never used one before.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Read the instructions
carefully. Pressure cookers today have many safety features and this is for good reason. When steam is not handled properly, it can easily cause scalding. As long as you follow the instructions for the model you have, you will not have to worry about this.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Check your kit
for leaks and make sure your pressure cooker is in good working order. Suppliers usually have replacement parts available for worn out parts. For example, you might need to replace the rubber gasket that ensures a good seal. Also, make sure the valves are free of debris.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Brown it
at the start of cooking before adding liquid. Pressure cooked food does not brown so it is important to do this up front. With a little browning, meat looks more appetising and tastes better. Spices, onions, and garlic also benefit from pre-cooking in the flavour stakes. It is possible, however, to dispense with this step if you are rushed or time is more important than the nuances.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Liquid matters
are cooked with steam in pressure cookers. The absence of liquid equals the absence of steam. A pressure cooker cannot and should not be used unless you have added enough liquid. There will be instructions stating the minimum amount and how much to use for items in the instructions. When using a conventional recipe, you can often reduce liquid content that would otherwise evaporate, but don’t go below the recommended amounts.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Don’t overfill it
Many, if not all, pressure cookers have a minimum and maximum mark marking the inside of the pot. These should not be exceeded. You shouldn’t fill a pressure cooker more than two-thirds full. When filling liquids, do not fill them up more than halfway. If the pressure release valve is overfilled, food is ejected from the vent, which is messy. To prevent this from happening, you will need to disassemble and thoroughly clean the parts. Additionally, the pot needs enough room so that steam can build up to facilitate cooking.
- Vegetables and joints of meat – no more than 2/3rds full including liquid
- Foods which may froth or expand, including cereals, pulses, rice and pasta – no more than 1/3 full
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Heat it right
Make sure your hob is set to full power so that pressure cooking can start as soon as possible. Taking too long to heat foods up can result in them being overcooked, and suggested timings will be incorrect. You should begin cooking when the correct pressure has been reached according to the recipe. As soon as you reach this point, turn the heat down to the lowest temperature possible while still maintaining pressure. It is important to understand how to read the indicators on your pressure cooker because all pressure cookers have them.
Gas and induction make it easy to reduce the heat. Since electric hobs tend to retain heat, it’s worth using two – one on high heat and the other on low heat, and switching when the pressure is reached.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Time it, Check it, Don’t spoil it
Cooking times in standard recipes are a good indicator for estimating time needed in a pressure cooker. Meats that take time to tenderise and large pieces of meat are going to take longer. Whole pulses will need longer than split peas, brown rice longer than white. Vegetables and fish take very little time at all. Cooking time may be as much as halved.
Cutting similar types of ingredients to similar sizes will help them to cook evenly. Add items that will need a longer cooking time at the beginning and those that need less later on (making sure steam has been safely released in the process). For example, for a beef stew add the beef at the beginning and potatoes half way through to avoid them crumbling.
If you’re not sure on cooking times, undercook rather than overcook. You can always bring the food back under pressure and continue but once it’s spoilt it’s spoilt! Add more liquid if necessary.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Releasing the pressure
Pressure cookers can be released by three methods: a) turning off the heat and allowing the steam to escape on its own, b) turning the pressure release valve, where hot steam will rush out, or c) running the pressure cooker under a cold tap. The first option is ideal for dishes like casseroles that require long cooking times. Second, for dishes that aren’t delicate, and third, for those that are, like fish and vegetables where overcooking may occur. You can save time by choosing these two options.
Never force the lid open. Modern cookers have a safety feature that prevents you from opening the lid, so do not mess with this in order to open the pot. If you’re in a hurry, run the cooker under cold water until the pressure indicator drops and the lid comes off easily.
Consider choosing option a). This will allow you to turn the food off a few minutes before it is done cooking. The residual heat will continue to cook the food.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Thicken it
During pressure cooking, moisture is retained, which prevents sauces from thickening. As soon as your pressure cooker is removed and reduced, you can thicken the sauce by leaving it on the stove. It will help if we add a mixture of cornflour and water now.
How To Use A Pressure Cooker: Clean and Store it Well
Well, both the food and the equipment. Generally, pressure cookers aren’t made of materials that are intended for keeping food. After you’ve cooked a dish, decant it into something else for storage to prevent erosion or staining.
Pressure cooker lids are not designed for dishwashers or immersion in water. Clean them with washing up liquid and wash them under a running tap, removing the rubber gasket (lid seal) for a thorough clean. Some pots can be washed in a dishwasher, others cannot. You should check the instructions. Wash your hands in the sink instead. Other parts don’t need to be disassembled and cleaned individually every time, but they will need to be cleaned if they become blocked. You will receive instructions on how to accomplish this.
Make sure your pressure cooker is completely dry. Air will circulate better if you leave it out on a tea towel, rather than putting it straight in the cupboard. Put the lid upside down on top of the pot when storing rather than fitting it on the pot.
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Hi there! I’m a food enthusiast and journalist, and I have a real passion for food that goes beyond the kitchen. I love my dream job and I’m lucky enough to be able to share my knowledge with readers of several large media outlets. My specialty is writing engaging food-related content, and I take pride in being able to connect with my audience. I’m known for my creativity in the kitchen, and I’m confident that I can be the perfect guide for anyone looking to take their culinary journey to the next level.