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Maximize Freshness: Pro Coffee Bean Storage

How To, Blog

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To make a delicious cup of coffee, properly storing coffee beans

…comes in second place to picking the right coffee.

That is why it is important to know…

…how to store coffee beans.

What is the reason?

In the long run, knowing the proper shelf life of coffee…

…can save you time, money, and frustration.

Learn how to store your coffee at home so it stays fresh…

…and flavorful with this guide to freshness and flavor!

Let’s hear Lily’s story…

I really love coffee, so I decided to drink fresh coffee instead of…

the instant one cause it is healthier. The problem is I don’t know…

how to store coffee beans.

In just a week I coffee become stale and I don’t know what to do….

I really need to learn how to store coffee beans…

Caffeine can increase adrenaline levels and release fatty acids from your fat tissues. It also leads to significant improvements in physical performance.


Let’s start from the basic…

Understand the Basics How To Store Coffee Beans

How to store coffee beans
credit: coatch.nine.com.au

Before choosing a method how to store coffee beans…

…it is important to understand the basics.

The actual storage time for coffee beans, however…

…is something you should know. According to coffee beans…

…there are four things they hate:

  • light
  • heat
  • moisture
  • air

Oxidization is caused by oxygen, which results in the loss of aromas…

…and essential oils, eventually making your coffee stale.

Moisture and heat accelerate the process significantly…

…while light has a lesser effect. To keep your coffee beans fresh…

…you have to guard against these four things.

Understanding the life cycle of coffee beans that have been roasted is crucial…

Carbon dioxide is released from roasting coffee beans….

After the coffee beans have been roasted, the beans typically…

…produce a lot of carbon dioxide in the first few days…

…after which the beans release the gas more slowly.

The coffee beans will taste sour and unpleasant if you use them…

…while they still contain high levels of carbon dioxide. Also…

…if you wait too long, the beans will likely turn stale…

…and your brew will be lacking aroma and flat as well.

You can also get rancid coffee….

The best time to use the beans is in the period from a couple of days…

…after roasting to 2 weeks after roasting, with some slight variations…

…depending on the bean’s variety. Once the coffee beans are roasted…

…the clock is ticking, but there are still things you can…

…do to prolong the freshness of the beans.

Next thing to know…

Coffee Lasts for How Long?

The idea that freshness and quality are inextricably linked…

…is one of the largest contributions specialty coffee has made…

…to coffee-drinking cultures around the globe.

As a result, the closer to the roasting time you can brew the coffee…

…the better. As a general rule, opened bag coffee should be consumed…

…within 2-4 weeks of roasting.

Coffee freshness is affected by many other factors, however….

How long your coffee beans last ultimately depends on the state…

…the beans are in and how you plan to store them once the bag has been opened.

Factors That Affect the Freshness of Coffee

How to store coffee beans
Credit: publicdomainpictures.net

Freshness of coffee is mainly affected by light, air, moisture, and time…

…as well as the method of acquiring ground coffee:

  • Sunlight: Heat and UV rays can quickly deplete the flavor of your coffee beans
  • Oxygen: When exposed to oxygen for an extended period of time, organic molecules within coffee break down and lose their flavor integrity. Oxidation is the process involved.
  • Time: As time goes on, coffee loses its freshness. That’s all there is to it.
  • Moisture: Because coffee beans have a porous surface, they are able to absorb the flavor of everything around them.
  • Purchase Ground Coffee: The oxidation process is accelerated when coffee beans are ground before brewing. Due to the greater surface area of coffee exposed to oxygen at once, ground coffee goes bad faster than whole beans.

Do Coffee Beans Go Bad?

Despite the fact that coffee beans don’t technically expire…

…they can lose their flavor and aroma over time.

(And that means, in our opinion, they are bad)…

The best way to preserve the consistency and exceptional coffee…

…drinking experience our roasters intended is to store…

…your coffee correctly and drink it within a timely manner.

Tips to Maximize Coffee Freshness

Coffee may seem like a straightforward beverage. For the most part, it is….

There are some tips and tricks that will help you make sure…

…that every cup of coffee is delicious!

Fresh Coffee Beans Should be Stored in An Airtight Container

Keeping your coffee in a sealed container is one of the most…

…effective ways to extend its life.

The Airscape Can is the perfect coffee storage solution…

… the patented valve forces oxygen out of the container…

…before locking the lid in place. With The Roasterie on the front…

…and the iconic DC-3 plane on the back, this canister will look great…

…in your kitchen while preserving your favorite Roasterie coffee.

Stay Away from Light

Darkness is preferred by coffee. We recommend using…

…a non-transparent canister or container for this reason.

If you prefer glass jars, consider keeping it in a pantry…

…or cupboard instead of out in the open.

Keep going…

Purchase the Whole Bean

We recommend whole bean coffee every time because ground coffee…

…loses its freshness more quickly. If you want your coffee to be as fresh as possible..

…grind your beans right before you brew. We also have compiled…

…a guide that will help you choose the best coffee beans for espresso.

One of the most important tools for making the perfect cup of coffee…

…is a coffee grinder. We recommend investing in a high-quality…

….burr grinder to optimize flavor, whether you’re upgrading your setup…

…or just getting started.  For your convenience…

we offer all of our coffees in customizable grind sizes…

…if you are unable to grind at home.

Important thing to note…

Coffee Should Not Be Kept in the Fridge or Freezer!

Many of our customers ask, “How long does coffee last in a refrigerator?”

The answer is not long! As a matter of fact, we don’t recommend…

…using your fridge for storing coffee at all. Refrigerators are naturally…

…moist places because they hold other food and beverages. 

Roasted coffee absorbs moisture and odors from your fridge and freezer…

…affecting the taste of your coffee.

Here you are…

How to Store Coffee Beans Options

Now that we know what not to do with coffee…

..let’s look at the options we have for storing it properly.

How to Store Coffee Beans #1 Cabinet

The simplest solution is to seal the coffee bag and store it in a cabinet…

Moisture, light, and heat will not affect it…

Looking for it?

How to Store Coffee Beans #2 Jars, Containers

How to store coffee beans
Credit: beanground.com

In phase two, you will place the coffee in a jar or some variation…

…of a kitchen container, and then place the container in a dark cabinet…

…(if it is glass). For many years, I did this variation, especially during periods…

…when I had a lot of different home roasting samples.

You’ll love what I recommend you!

How to Store Coffee Beans #3 Vacuum-Sealed Containers

I use a vacuum-sealed container today. I never let my coffee go stale…

Just like the last cup, the first one comes out of the bag also tastes good…

Exactly as it should be…

The vacuum-seal container from Ankomn seals with a quick turn…

How to store coffee beans

Putting it All Together

If we prefer darker roasted coffee, we will only buy fresh coffee…

…to maximize coffee freshness. When possible, we will grind…

…the coffee just prior to brewing, but if this is not possible…

…we will still try to keep the coffee fresh.

The coffee will not be kept in the refrigerator…

To minimize the chance of some coffee going flat…

we won’t buy too much coffee at once. If we buy too much coffee…

…we can store it in an air-tight freezer safe bag in the freezer…

…and then bring it to room temperature when we are ready to consume it.

We will keep coffee sealed in its bag and stored in a dark cabinet….

The next step is to find a jar or container to place the coffee…

…in before moving to a vacuum-sealed container.

Sum Up

All of this is to say that you should store your fresh coffee beans in a cool…

…dark, dry place. Make our roasters proud this year by finding…

…a sustainable and smart way to store coffee beans to ensure…

…the best possible cup of joe time and time again.


Do you know How to store coffee beans ?

Share with us your experience how to store coffee beans!

Or, if you have more questions about how to store coffee beans…

…feel free to leave a comment!


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