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Do Type 2 Diabetes Produce Insulin? Superb 4 Facts That You Should Know About It

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Do type 2 diabetes produce insulin? When it came to your body, you’re probably more concerned with your hair than your hormones. However, for certain people, a deficiency of the hormone insulin results in type 2 diabetes. In this blog, we have an article about how to reverse type 2 diabetes that you might want to read about it.


Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide, affecting nearly 40 million Americans alone. It also affects millions around the world, particularly in developing countries where there has been an epidemic of obesity and lack of exercise.

In the United States, about 10% of adults have been diagnosed with this disease; however, type 2 accounts for 90% of all cases. This form occurs when the body becomes resistant to its own natural production of insulin. Although the causes of type 2 are not fully understood, there are several risk factors that can make someone prone to develop diabetes:

  1. Genetics or family history – If either parent has been found to be diabetic, then offspring may be at greater risk for the development of diabetes as well. The chances increase if both parents and/or grandparents were affected by diabetes.
  2. Obesity – People who weigh more than 100 pounds above their ideal weight are at increased risk.
  3. Age – By age 30, most people will get diabetes.
  4. Race – African American women are twice as likely to develop diabetes as Caucasian men.
  5. Gender – Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than men.
  6. Physical inactivity

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.”

Word Health Organization

Do type 2 Diabetes Produce Insulin

However, if someone has diabetes, either the body cannot produce insulin or the insulin produced does not act well in the body. Because glucose cannot enter the cells normally, the blood sugar level rises to an abnormally high level. If left untreated, high blood sugar makes individuals unwell.

What does insulin do? Help your body turn food into energy, for starters. When you have diabetes, and you’re either not producing insulin or your insulin function is off, all sorts of things can go wrong.

 Lisa Jaffe, author from endocrineweb.com

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

A type of diabetes mellitus which is characterized by resistance to the effects of insulin on cells. Insulin helps transport glucose into muscle and fat tissues. In diabetes mellitus, the amount of insulin produced by pancreas does not work efficiently, so the blood sugar level rises continuously.

For example, when you eat food, your pancreas produces a small amount of insulin. So after eating food, blood sugar level remains normal until next meal. But for some people with type 2 diabetes, they do not respond to insulin properly and their blood sugar levels remain high even after eating. They need to take insulin injections regularly to control their blood sugar level.

How To Prevent Type 2 diabetes?

There are many ways to reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. These include:

  1. Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity reduces stress on muscles, helping them become better able to use insulin effectively. Exercise also burns calories, helping to keep excess weight from accumulating in the first place.
  2. Stop smoking. Studies show that those who stop smoke are less at risk of having type 2 diabetes.
  3. Maintain healthy weight. Being overweight increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. You should try to maintain a healthy weight and avoid becoming obese. A healthy way to lose weight is to cut back on calorie intake while increasing physical activity.
  4. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Alcoholic beverages contain carbohydrates. Consuming too much alcohol leads to poor blood sugar regulation.
  5. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide fiber, vitamins and minerals such as potassium. Fiber lowers cholesterol and helps lower blood pressure. It also promotes regular bowel movements. Eating foods rich in these nutrients helps prevent heart attack and stroke.
  6. Limit intake of saturated fats. Saturated fats cause blood vessels to constrict, reducing flow throughout the body. As a result, the pancreas must produce more insulin to compensate.
  7. Reduce intake of trans-fatty acids. Trans-fats raise bad LDL and can increase total cholesterol levels. They can also damage blood vessel walls and may affect your ability to process insulin.
  8. Eat whole grains instead of refined products. Whole grains have been shown to improve overall health and help prevent type 2 diabetes.
  9. Limit intake of sodium . High salt intake causes fluid retention , which raises blood pressure. Excessively salty foods also contribute to obesity.
  10. Try to limit sugar intake. Sugar triggers insulin production, which means more sugar will be stored as glycogen in the liver. This condition is called hyperglycemia. The long-term effect of this buildup of sugar in the blood is known as “diabetes”. Over time, it can lead to other serious problems including kidney disease, eye disorders, nerve pain, and gangrene.

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