What is the shelf life of honey? How long does jarred honey last? What happens…
…to jarred honey over time? Honey has been around for ages. The earliest…
….reference to honey dates back to 3000 BC in Mesopotamia…
…..where the word “mead” is used. Honey is a sweet liquid produced…
…by bees that contains fructose, glucose and minerals such as potassium…
…and sodium. Read this article until end to know how long does jarred honey last.
Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees and some other bees.”

What is honey?
There are many answers to this question. We’re going to take a look…
….at a few of them. Honey is a natural sweetener that is made…
….from the nectar of flowers and is stored in the honey bee’s stomach. Honey…
….is often used to make sweets and beverages. It is a very sweet food…
…that is high in sugar and low in calories. It is also considered…
….to be a medicine. It has a long history of use.
The earliest use of honey dates back to the stone age…
….and it was found in caves and hives. The Egyptians made…
…the first written records of honey in around 2,000 BC. Honey was used…
…as a food, a medicine, and a ritual drink. It was used…
…in many different cultures and was even made into alcohol. It is one…
…of the oldest food products in the world.

Honey is available raw or pasteurized and in a variety of color grades. On average, it contains about 80% sugar. People remove honey from the hive and bottle it directly, so it may also contain trace amounts of yeast, wax, and pollen.”
Joseph Nordqvist, author from medicalnewstoday.com
Go on…
What is a honey jar?
Honey is most often sold in jars, bottles, buckets, or even waxed paper. Honey…
….is generally sold in jars, which is the easiest way to use it…
….and to transport it. The jars come in many sizes and shapes, and some honey jars…
….are intended for everyday use. Others may be used…
…as gifts or wedding favors. It’s fun to see how creative people…
….can get with their labels! Some of the common types include:
Also known as a flip top, this type has a metal lid that screws…
….into place. This allows you to lift off the lid…
….without opening the jar. When the lid is screwed on tightly…
…nothing will get inside the jar. You’ll know if there was something…
….accidentally put inside the jar when the lid comes…
…loose from the jar. A “lid” for a flip top is not always included…
…with the container. If it doesn’t come with one, simply look…
…at the bottom of your jar; if there’s a circle with ridges around it, it’s a jar-top.
Stainless steel screw cap
This type of lid is made out of stainless steel. The lid screws…
….onto itself so that it cannot be removed. It is very secure…
….and safe for storing honey. There are two kinds of screw caps…
…depending upon whether they have an inner seal or not. Sometimes…
….manufacturers add an inner seal over the screw threads. The inner seal…
…keeps air out of the jar while maintaining a tight seal.
Double walled glass
Glass jars manufactured specifically for honey storage…
….must have a double wall. These jars are vacuum sealed…
….to keep oxygen from getting in the product. They also provide a good seal…
…so you don’t need to worry about keeping them stored properly.
Metal lids
While these containers do come with a removable lid…
…the top is usually made of tin, aluminum or other metals. Metal lids…
…make for strong containers but they should never be used…
…..in the microwave or dishwasher. If your lids are coming apart from the jar…
….try using a little bit of household glue (like Elmer’s) before reattaching them.
Also in here we also have a story from Samantha…
…about her experience using honey jar.
Let us hear Samantha’s story
I love honey and can’t live without it. It’s started when I was a young girl…
….my mom introduce me to eat some honey, and I’m in love with it. I always bought…
…a honey, but I found some issue that my honey got spoiled cause a lots of ants…
….can breakthrough to my honey storage. And then my friend suggest me…
….to use honey jar. And now, I have been using honey jar for about a month now.
I was very apprehensive about the usage of honey jar and started searching…
….for information on the internet. I came across this website, which made me feel…
…much more comfortable with the usage of honey jar. The best part is that…
….you can use honey jar as a natural face pack and even as a scrub. It is a great product…
…and I am sure that everyone will like it. It’s a really worth a money to buy.
From the story above, we can see that having honey jar can really storage…
…your honey well. So, why don’t you have it too if you are a honey lover? In this blog…
….we also have an article about honey jar that you might want to read about it.

Here’s the main thing…
How Long Does Jarred Honey Last
So, how long does jarred honey last? Here are the breakdowns for it:
- Honey does not spoil. In fact, it is widely acknowledged as the sole food that does not spoil.
- However, it will crystallize (become thick and foggy) with time. If this occurs, just remove the jar’s cover, immerse it in a pan of water, and reheat it over low heat until the honey returns to its normal consistency.
- Pour your honey into another container first if it is in a plastic jar. Keep a tight eye on your pot and reduce the heat as required.
- You don’t want the water to become too hot. Too high a temperature can harm the honey’s numerous helpful enzymes.

Keep reading…
Why are honey jars used?
Honey jars are used because they can be used to keep honey in. Here…
…are the reasons why honey jars used:
They’re easy to use
You don’t need special tools to open jars of honey. Just unscrew…
…the ring that holds the lid on the jar and pull up on the ring…
…until it pops out. You can then remove the lid and enjoy all your honey goodness.
They’re durable
The quality of the material used makes the jars extremely durable. Even though…
….the lids of the jars are not reusable like plastic ones…
…the jars themselves still last a long time before breaking.
They protect against cross contamination
Since the lids of the honey jars are made of metal…
….they prevent any bacteria from entering the jar. No matter where…
….your honey came from, it will be fine in your jar. However, as mentioned above..
…once the lid gets damaged, toss it out and buy another one!
Keep it up…
How To Storage Honey Well
Honey is an important product for the beekeepers. It is very useful…
…in the preparation of medicines, and other products. And keeping it…
….well is an important things to do. Here are some tips to storage honey well:
1. Keep in a shady area
If possible, keep honey away from direct sunlight. Heat causes…
…many problems such as oxidation which could damage the taste of the honey.
2. Don’t store honey in the refrigerator
It’s a common misconception that storing honey in the fridge…
….would cause spoilage or mold growth. But actually it will just increase…
….the amount of water content in the honey. As such, honey…
….becomes less viscous making it hard to pour out. So better not to keep…
….your honey in the fridge. If you have large amounts of honey that you won’t be…
…using anytime soon, You might be wondering if is it fine to freeze honey.
The answer is Yes, You can freeze honey to avoid any bacteria from growing but it…
…will be hard to pour as we have said earlier.
3. Store unopened bottles upright
Store uncapped bottles of honey upright so that excess moisture…
….evaporates naturally. This reduces the risk of molds forming.
4. Use a non-reusable lid
A new lid every time you open the bottle prevents…
…bacteria from growing. Replace old lids when you see signs of wear and tear.
5. Leave space at the top of the container for expansion
Unopened honey expands during its shelf life. Leave some room…
….at the top of the bowl for this to happen. Avoid filling the container more than half way.
6. Do not put honey near heat sources
Avoid putting honey near heat sources such as stoves and ovens. Also…
…avoid heating food in contact with honey. Heat causes honey to crystallize…
….thereby reducing the volume of honey available for consumption.
7. Do not store honey in the bathroom
Bathrooms are notorious places for bacteria buildup. Make sure…
…to keep your honey away from bathrooms.
Next up…
8. Cover honey immediately after opening
Even if the honey has been stored in a cool place, cover it…
…immediately after opening in order to prevent loss of moisture and preserve freshness.
9. Keep honey away from children
Although kids are cute, they are also known to be messy eaters. They may…
….even get their hands into the jar, causing honey spillages. Therefore…
….it’s best to keep honey away from children…
…who might accidentally get their fingers/hands dirty.
10. Store your honey
After opening your honey jar, store it somewhere…
…cool and dark. Keeping it in a cool dry cupboard or pantry would be appropriate.

Keep reading…
Some Tips For Storage
When honey is exposed to oxygen, it begins to turn rancid. To avoid…
…having to throw away your honey when it starts turning bad…
…store your honey in a cool dark cupboard or pantry. Keep it away…
…from sunlight. Don’t let it sit out too long. And don’t forget to check the label!
Should I always shake my jar of honey before serving it?
This question comes up all the time among beginner…
….beekeepers. The answer is “No, shaking doesn’t make much difference”. Shaking…
….only helps aerate the honey, but that isn’t necessary…
….because oxygenation happens automatically over time. If you like stirring…
….your honey just before eating it, then go ahead. Shake it off before using it though.
Go on…
What Happens When Honey Meets Water?
When you put honey in your mouth, it mixes…
….with saliva and dissolves. Saliva acts as a natural preservative…
…by destroying harmful bacteria and enzymes that can cause spoilage. When…
….you drink honey, it mixes with stomach acid and digestive juices…
….both of which protect against dangerous microorganisms.
Last but not least…
Why Should You Eat Raw Honey?
Honey contains lots of health benefits. It can help boost energy levels…
….improve digestion, reduce cholesterol and fight infection.
Sum Up
Honey is a sweet natural product, produced by bees. It is a food…
…that has a lot of nutritional value. Honey can be used in various ways…
….and forms, including honey jars. A honey jar is a bottle…
….that is used to store honey. The bottle is usually made…
…of glass or plastic. It keeps the honey protected from air and light.
Honey jar is an effective way to store honey. It can be used to store…
….any type of honey, but it is mostly used to store the honey collected…
….from the bees. It is used for storing the honey for a long time…
…and also for preserving the quality of the honey. That’s all for now!
Do you have any question regarding how long does jarred honey last?
Just drop it in the comment section below! Thanks for reading! Cao!
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