The coffee machine is a crucial part of every kitchen. It is…
….an indispensable appliance that you can’t live without! If you are looking…
…for something to wake up your senses and you have breville barista express…
…this article will help you if you don’t know..
…how to use a breville barista express in a minute.

An espresso machine brews coffee by forcing pressurized water near boiling point through a “puck” of ground coffee and a filter in order to produce a thick, concentrated coffee called espresso.”
Breville Barista Express
Do you know how to use a breville barista express?
What is breville barista express? The breville barista express…
…is an impressive coffee machine, with a rich feature set. It is a complete coffee…
…making solution that works with the breville one-touch milk frother…
….and delivers great results. The machine also boasts a built-in grinder…
…which provides you with precision control over your grind and brew settings.
This makes it easy for anyone to produce consistently delicious espresso drinks.
What’s more, the machine comes with all necessary accessories…
…like the steam wand, tamper, frothing jug, and cleaning brush
. In addition, the breville barista express has a fully automatic cycle…
…that allows users to simply press on buttons when…
…they want to make their favorite drink and let the machine take care of the rest.
In this article, we have an story from Moudy about her experience…
…having a coffee machine for the first time.
Let us hear Moudy’s story
I love coffee and I never skipped a day for having a cup of coffee every morning!
But now Im kinda busy with my project, so well I need a good machine…
….that can provide me fast coffee everytime I need it. After I did some research…
…I finally come out with a coffee machine from Breville. Two days after that…
…it’s finally come out to my home. After unboxing it and install it, I try making a cup of coffee…
…the result? Fantastic! This coffee machine can made a superb quality…
…of coffee same like mine in just a minute! Faster that I brew my coffee…
…with manual method. This coffee machine is really worth a money…
…to buy if you are a coffee addict like me.
From the story above, we can see that having a coffee machine…
…for a coffee lover or addict is a good investment for you to have!
So if you are a coffee addict too, why don’t you have it…
…especially from Breville. In this blog, we also have an article…
…about breville barista express machine that might suits on you…
…to have in your kitchen.

When you want the flexibility to sip on something new, a combination coffee and espresso maker is an easy way to shake up routine without needing to leave your kitchen.”
Collier Sutter, author from
What Is Coffee Machine
Coffee machine is a small appliance which is used to brew coffee…
…usually in a home or office. The process of brewing coffee starts…
…with grinding the beans, heating water and adding…
…the ground beans to the water. Then, after preparation of all the ingredients…
…they are placed into a filter basket inside the coffee machine.
After being inserted into the machine, it is brewed and filtered…
…through a tube that goes through an outer casing. During the whole process…
…there will be foam produced so you have to clean…
…the machine regularly to prevent any bacteria growth.
When the coffee has been prepared, the user can either drink it…
….immediately or store it for later consumption. Coffee machines…
…are available both at commercial places like restaurants and at home as well.

Benefits of Coffee Machine
Coffee machines are popular among coffee drinkers. This is…
…because coffee tastes good when it is fresh and you can’t enjoy…
…it as much when you get it from a vending machine. Coffee machines…
….have been instrumental in providing us with this product that we love so much.
Other than its benefits, coffee machines also come…
…with many other advantages. Below are some of them:
It Saves Time
It is very easy to make your perfect cup of coffee using a coffee maker.
You just have to put the coffee beans in the grinder, add hot water…
…and press the start button. Within minutes, you will have…
….the best tasting cup of coffee. With coffee machines, on the other hand…
….you have to do quite a bit more work.
First, you need to grind the beans, then you will have to heat the water…
….and wait until it boils before putting the beans and water together…
…in order to prepare a cup of coffee. If you don’t want to waste time…
….then purchasing a coffee machine may be a better option…
…since you won’t have to worry about anything but making great-tasting coffee.
It Helps Save Money
If you have ever wondered why people spend extra money…
…on buying expensive coffees every day, then you should know…
…that it costs quite a lot to buy these drinks from the vending machines.
By contrast, buying a coffee machine will cost less…
…yet provide you with delicious coffee. In fact, most manufacturers…
….offer discounts if you purchase their products.
It Makes You Feel At Ease
If you’re having trouble sleeping and finding it difficult to relax while at home alone…
…then you need a way to wake up in the morning. A coffee machine…
….is a convenient tool that can be used by anyone who wants…
….to stay awake throughout the night. All you have to do is turn on…
…the machine and let it brew the coffee for you. Plus, nothing sounds better…
…than waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. No matter…
….what kind of a person you are, a coffee machine,…
…will always help to make you feel relaxed and refreshed.
They Make Great Gifts
If someone is looking forward to having a nice cup of coffee…
…but doesn’t know how to, consider buying them a coffee maker.
Aside from saving their time, they will also appreciate the gift.
Unlike other appliances that may seem useful or entertaining…
….coffee machines are always appreciated.

Disadvantages of Coffee Machine
While coffee machines are amazing tools for helping you out…
…whenever you want to take advantage of its benefits, it doesn’t mean…
..that they are free from disadvantages. Some users face problems….
…when choosing between coffee machines and regular coffee makers.
It Requires Constant Maintenance
Unlike regular coffee makers, coffee machines require regular cleaning…
…and maintenance. Since these devices are made of plastic and metal materials…
….they tend to collect dust particles over time…
…which results to poor performance of the device. As such…
….you need to clean your machine regularly to ensure that it remains functional.
This means that even though you will reap the benefits…
….of saving time and money, you still have to invest some energy…
…in maintaining your coffee machine.
They Are Kind of Costly
Most coffee machine brands charge around $100-$200 dollars. However…
…not everyone has such a big budget. For those who cannot afford to pay so much…
…going for a cheaper alternative like a regular coffee maker..
…might be a better idea. While doing so, you will also be able…
…to maximize the amount of money you save.
They Can Break Easily
As mentioned earlier, coffee machines consist of different parts…
….that must be cleaned properly to avoid clogging of filters. When…
….you neglect this step, you might end up spending lots of time trying…
….to fix the problem instead of enjoying freshly brewed coffee. Because of this…
….many coffee machines break down after a couple of years of use.
The good news is that most coffee makers come with warranties as long as 10 years.
They Are Noisy
Another disadvantage of coffee machines is that they can be extremely loud…
….especially during the brewing process. Moreover…
…because of the high noise levels generated….
….you likely wouldn’t want…
…to keep them inside your living room or bedroom. Therefore…
….considering the above points, you shouldn’t go for an espresso machine…
….unless you plan on keeping it somewhere else.
Before Choosing Coffee Machine
There are plenty of things that you should keep in mind…
…when choosing a coffee machine instead of buying one. Some of these include:
Choose a Model That Fits Your Needs
While looking for a coffee machine, you first need to determine…
….whether you wish to invest in an automatic or manual machine. Automatic models…
…tend to be cheaper but require a little more maintenance. Manual models…
….however, are more durable and easier to maintain. They can easily be cleaned…
…by simply removing the filter and washing it under running water.
Consider The Features of Coffee Machines
A coffee machine is basically a device that’s designed to make coffee. However…
…aside from making coffee, it also offers different options..
….such as frothing milk and steaming tea leaves. For instance..
….if you want coffee with half lemon juice added to it…
….you can choose between several types of machines. One type allows you…
…to select the amount of water needed to produce the desired level…
…of acidity and another type comes with built-in scales…
….where you can measure out exact amounts of sugar and cream.
Select a Reliable Brand
When shopping for a coffee machine, it is important to look for a manufacturer…
…that offers quality products and services. The same goes for appliances like this.
Look for brands like Kenwood, Breville, Nespresso…
….KitchenAid, etc. and try to avoid those that lack customer support.
The price of coffee machines varies depending on brand, model and size.
If you’re willing to splurge more, you should go ahead and buy a Breville or Bodum.
Even though they cost more than $100, they tend…
….to last longer and provide better quality than other models. On the other hand…
….if you’re looking for something affordable, go for an expensive option…
…like Nespresso. Nevertheless, remember that purchasing…
….cheap coffee machines does not mean that…
…you will automatically receive good results.

How To Use Breville Barista Express
Breville Barista Express is a new coffee machine from Breville…
…..that brews single-serve espresso, cappuccino, latte and flat white coffee.
The Barista Express comes with a built-in grinder, which grinds the beans…
….for you before brewing. It also has a built-in milk frother…
…which froths your milk for you to create a rich and creamy latte or cappuccino.
It has an intuitive interface, so the entire process is straightforward and simple.
You don’t have to remember anything special or complicated.
Just fill the reservoir with water, select your desired brew strength…
….and push the button to begin brewing. Here’s how to use Breville barista express:
Read the manual
To begin, read the directions for assembling your new machine. Additionally…
….the instructions will walk you through a few steps…
….you should do before to using the machine for the first time…
….such as cleaning all of the components, installing the water filter…
….and flushing the unit.
Check the Water Level
Perform a quick check of the water level every time…
… use your new espresso machine, even before you turn it on. In contrast…
….to a Keurig, the Breville Barista Express does not notify…
….you when the water level is low or when you have run out of water. Therefore…
….to prevent overheating any components, always do a fast check of the water level.
Preheat The Machine
This espresso machine is ready fairly fast when you turn it on. When you switch it on…
….a bumping / banging noise will be heard. This is quite typical.
The machine is ready to use when all six buttons..
….are illuminated. It just takes a few seconds. However, it is preferable…
….if you can let the espresso machine to warm up for 10-15 minutes…
….before using it, to ensure that all of the components are nice and hot.
If the components are too cold, the taste of your espresso may suffer. Therefore…
….if you drink coffee every morning, turn on the espresso machine…
….immediately upon waking, then go to the restroom…
….or start breakfast to allow it a few minutes to warm up.
Additionally, like mine, place your cup on top of the machine….
….the top of the machine doubles as a warming tray!
Adding the Coffee Beans
After the machine has been warmed up, fill the “hopper”…
….with coffee beans. You are not required to contribute a specific quantity…
….only ensure that you have “enough”. The quantity shown above…
….will provide around three double-shots of espresso.
Adjust the Grind Size and Amount
This is the point at which things may get a bit overwhelming. To create…
….the ideal espresso, three components must be combined properly:
- Size of the grind
- Amount of grinding
- Tamping Pressure
This is primarily accomplished by trial and error…
….and it is something you will need to alter for each new variety…
….of coffee bean you use.
Calculate the Portafilter!
Observe the item on the green scale? That, my friends, is the portafilter.
This is where the freshly ground coffee will be placed. Ensure…
….that it is totally dry before adding any coffee.
- 8-10 grams of ground coffee is required for a single shot of espresso.
- 15-18 grams of ground coffee is required for a double shot of espresso.
By weighing the portafilter first and then “zeroing” it…
….you can assure that you always have the precise quantity of ground coffee.
Grind the Coffee
Once the portafilter has been zeroed out, put it in the “Grind Outlet”….
…select the filter size button to specify whether you want a single…
….or double shot of espresso. In this case, we’re going to make a double shot.
Push the portafilter into the portafilter and then release…
….as if you were hitting an elevator button. This initiates the grinding process.
Tamp the Coffee
To begin, put the loose coffee into the middle of the portafilter…
….with your hands to prevent it from spilling out when you tamp it.
Tamping Pressure
Containing pressure is the only thing that requires “trial and error”…
….in this case. You obviously want more pressure than just pushing it down…
….to ensure it’s level and flat. Without sufficient tamping pressure…
….the pressure during the extraction process will be insufficient. Similarly…
….excessive tamping pressure results in excessive pressure…
…during the extraction process.
Run a Cup of Hot Water Through The Breville Barista Express
Prior to inserting the portafilter into the espresso machine…
….push the 1-cup button to dispense a single cup of hot water…
…into your coffee mug. This will maintain the machine’s…
…and your mug’s temperature stability. Bear in mind..
….that if any of the components are excessively cold…
….the espresso’s quality will suffer.
Extract the Espresso
Finally, it’s time to brew the espresso! Insert the portafilter…
….where it reads “Insert” and spin until the portafilter is in the “Lock” position.
If producing a double shot, push the 2-cup button…
….and monitor the red pressure needle. It will take a few seconds…
….but once your needle reaches the grey “Espresso Range”…
….you will have brewed the ideal cup of espresso!
Sum Up
The Barista Express is an extremely versatile machine…
…that’s capable of producing some of the best espresso on the market. With…
…..the ability to make a wide variety of coffee beverages…
….it’s perfect for making cappuccinos, lattes, macchiatos and even espressos!
Although there are many different espresso machines on the market today…
….this Breville model may be one of the most impressive models…
….in terms of its capabilities.
In conclusion, the Barista Express is a great machine that can produce…
….some of the best espresso on the market. Although it’s fairly expensive…
….it’s an investment that will last for years to come. If you’re looking…
….for a machine that will produce consistent and quality espresso…
….this may be the one for you! That’s all for now, do you have any question…
….regarding this topic? or do you want to add testimonial about this product?
Just drop it in the comment section below, thanks for reading, cao!
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Hi there! I’m a food enthusiast and journalist, and I have a real passion for food that goes beyond the kitchen. I love my dream job and I’m lucky enough to be able to share my knowledge with readers of several large media outlets. My specialty is writing engaging food-related content, and I take pride in being able to connect with my audience. I’m known for my creativity in the kitchen, and I’m confident that I can be the perfect guide for anyone looking to take their culinary journey to the next level.