You can get a lot of health benefits from eating apple…
…thanks to plant chemicals called flavonoids. In addition…
…they contain pectin, a fiber that breaks down in your gut.
If you remove the apple’s skin before eating it.. won’t get as much fiber or flavonoids.
It’s that all? of course no!
Today we will also discuss the difference between…
…eating apple and cooking with an apple.
Several apple varieties are used as apple for cooking…
…but many people are unaware of this.
There is an apple grower who grows 18 varieties…
You will be able to eat apples and cook great…
Let’s start from the basic…
What is Apple?
It is an edible fruit produced by the apple tree…
Apples are cultivated worldwide, and belong to the genus Malus…
…which is one of the most widely grown genera.
A wild ancestor of this tree, Malus sieversii…
…can still be found today in Central Asia….

Europe and Asia have grown apples for thousands of years…
…and European colonists brought them to North America. In many cultures…
…including Norse, Greek, and European Christian traditions…
…apples have religious and mythological significance.
Often, apples grown from seed are very different from those of their parents…
…and the resulting fruit lacks desired characteristics.
Apple cultivars are generally propagated by clonal grafting onto rootstocks…
Growing apple trees without rootstocks is much slower…
…and the trees tend to be much larger. By controlling the speed of growth…
…and the size of the resulting trees, rootstocks make harvesting easier.
What about using apple for cooking?
Apple Can be Used as Cooking Ingredient?
There are over 2,500 varieties of apples in the United States…
Did you know about that?
There are a lot more types around the world – estimates put the figure…
…at around 7,500. It may seem overwhelming at first, but remember…
…there are only 100 types of apples that have been selected…
…for commercial cultivation, and this is what ends up on shelves…
…and in orchards across the country.
Among those 100 varieties of apples, I have my favorite apple for cooking…
Different types of apple for cooking have different textures, tastes…
…and sugar levels, and what works for one kind of recipe might not work for another.
Whenever you are picking apple for cooking, try to think…
…about the most critical aspects of the final product
is texture essential, as in an apple pie?
Do you plan to add different fruit and therefore play…
…with varying amounts of natural sugars?
Here is my friend Grace’s experience…
I really love baking, and one day I want to try apple as my main ingredients,…
…but when I started looking for recipes,
“Which apple is the best for baking?
Can I use the same apples for sauce and for pies?
What does it mean, ‘cider apple’?”
Questions like these often come up because of there are…
…many different type of apples are mentioned.
But it is okay now, since cooking with apple is always worth it...
Eating apple directly and cooking with apple both are delicious..
Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain polyphenols, which may have numerous health benefits
apple benefits
And this is apple benefits…
What is The Benefit of Eating Apple?
1Apples May Lower High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure
Enjoy a juicy apple and you may help keep your ticker healthy….
Apple consumption has been associated with a reduced risk…
…of cardiovascular disease, possibly due to the cholesterol-lowering…
…effects of the soluble fiber in apples, says Anzlovar.
According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance…
The University of Illinois reports that soluble fiber reduces…
…the risk of atherosclerosis (restricted blood flow in the arteries…
…due to plaque buildup) and heart disease by preventing cholesterol…
…buildup in the lining of blood vessel walls. Additionally…
…it can help lower blood pressure. A study found that a higher intake…
…of soluble fiber was associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.
The number of strokes reduced by 52 percent when eating apples regularly…
Furthermore, a study published in February 2020…
…in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that…
…eating two apples a day helped study participants…
..lower their LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Eating Foods With Fiber, Including Apples, Can Aid Digestion
There’s no doubt you’ve heard that fiber is good for digestion…
…and that’s true! Fiber (soluble and insoluble…
…which cannot be absorbed by water) plays an important role in digestion…
…according to Harvard Health Publishing. Fortunately, apples have both kinds…
…according to researchers at the University of Illinois.
In addition to helping you feel full, soluble fiber also slows down…
…the digestion of glucose, which in turn helps you control your blood sugar.
Meanwhile, insoluble fiber can help move food through…
…your digestive system and aid in constipation and regularity.
It’s important to eat the apple skin, which contains much…
…of its insoluble fiber, according to the University of Illinois.
Eating Apple Can Support a Healthy Immune System
Going into autumn, who wouldn’t want a stronger immune system?
If you want to enhance your immune system…
…apples might be a wise choice. According to animal research…
…soluble fiber helps convert pro-inflammatory immune cells..
…into anti-inflammatory and immune-supportive ones.
Another animal study published in the journal Immunity…
…in May 2018 found that dietary fiber protected mice from the flu.
Until more studies are conducted, it is unclear whether…
…those effects would be observed in humans.
There is still some reason to believe that apples can boost immunity…
…in part because they contain immune-boosting vitamin C.
Research published in November 2017 in Nutrients found that…
…vitamin C plays numerous roles in boosting the immune system.
For example, it strengthens the epithelial (a type of tissue)
…barrier against pathogens and protects against…
…environmental oxidative stress, such as pollution and radiation.
More benefit of eating apple…
Apples Are a Diabetes-Friendly Fruit
Adding apples to your diet could help you control your type 2 diabetes…
Despite the fact that they’re fruits, people with diabetes…
…often mistakenly believe they can’t eat fruits.
According to the Mayo Clinic, apple fiber can help slow the absorption…
…of sugar into the bloodstream and improve blood sugar levels.
In addition, according to Mayo Clinic, a healthy diet that includes…
…insoluble fiber can lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.
In addition, a study published in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine…
…in August 2016 found that regular consumption of soluble fiber…
…reduced insulin resistance and improved blood sugar and triglyceride levels.
The Antioxidants in Apples May Play a Role in Cancer Prevention
Even though there is no one surefire way to prevent cancer…
…apples may play a role. According to Anzlovar, apples may reduce…
…the risk of certain cancers because of the antioxidants they contain.
In laboratory studies, apple antioxidants have been shown…
…to limit the growth of cancer cells. In a review published in October 2016…
…in Public Health Nutrition, eating apples regularly was associated…
…with a decreased risk of certain cancers, including colorectal…
…oral cavity, esophageal, and breast cancers.
Apples may have cancer-preventing properties thanks to their fiber content…
The journal Pediatrics reported in March 2016 that women…
…who ate more high-fiber foods during adolescence…
…and young adulthood (especially fruits and vegetables)…
…had a lower risk of breast cancer.
According to another study published in the journal…
…The Lancet in January 2019, a diet high in dietary fiber…
…could help prevent colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Eating Apple Can Support Healthy Weight Loss
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
…a diet rich in fruit (and vegetables) can help you maintain..
…a healthy weight – or lose weight. The highest ranking for this list goes…
…to apples because they contain dietary fiber. According to Levinson…
..fiber keeps you satiated and reduces the likelihood of overeating.
People who ate a lot of fiber maintained a significantly lower body weight…
…according to one study published in The Lancet. In a study…
…overweight women who ate three apples daily…
…lost 1.22 kg (2.7 pounds) after 12 weeks.
A medium apple only has 95 calories, making it a fruit…
…you’ll want to keep on hand when you’re craving something sweet.
Eating Apples May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Start eating apples and berries more as well as teas…
…that are packed with flavonoids. It was determined…
…that adults over age 50 who consumed only a small amount…
…of flavonoid-rich foods such as berries, apples, and tea…
…were 2 to 4 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease…
…and other types of dementia than people who consumed more of these foods.
Further, a review published in January 2020 in Biomolecules…
…reported that quercetin, a flavonoid found in apples…
…protects neurons against oxidative damage and has other…
…anti-Alzheimer’s disease properties as well. The researchers say…
…however, that more research needs to be carried out outside of laboratories.
Our article about how to process apple in a fun way!
Candy Apples Special Recipe You Should Try at Home! (2021)
We’ll show you how to make candy apples…
It’s not difficult. It’s actually ridiculously simple. Promise!
Candy apples are a delicious combination of sweetness, tartness..
…and crunch. They’re just plain freaking entertaining.
It turns out that they’re also simple to make…
Don’t be alarmed by the candy-making process. Basically…
…you’ll combine a few ingredients and cook them over high heat…
…on the stove until they reach the desired temperature.
Firework Dark Chocolate Dipped Apples – Special Recipe For You! (2021)
This week, I’ve been on a roll with my Bonfire Night treat recipes!
I’ve got another chocolate dipped apples recipe…
…to share after my adorable Unicorn Chocolate Apples and Edible Pretzel Sparklers.
This recipe makes darkly delicious firework apples – don’t they look lovely?
White Chocolate Covered Apples with Sprinkles – Special Recipe For You! (2021)
Remember when Mother Frosted Cookies were all the rage…
…and staying up later than bedtime? Those were the days, man.
Children’s lives are much more complicated nowadays…
…but that doesn’t mean we can’t give them a taste of what we had.
White Chocolate Covered Apples with Sprinkles recipe is deceptively simple…
They’re sweet, crunchy, and juicy, and they’re like a stick of nostalgia…
Believe me when I say that your kids will adore these….
And if they insist on staying up late, perhaps you should let them…just this once. Enjoy!
Caramel Apples and Chopped Peanuts – Special Recipe For You! (2021)
Caramel Apples with chopped peanuts and homemade caramel…
…are the perfect way to celebrate Fall! They’re a classic carnival treat…
…that everyone will love because they’re easy to make and have delicious layers of yum!
Here in Southern California, we’re finally getting some nice weather…
…and I can’t wait to welcome Fall. I’m ready for chilly days…
…and cozy nights as much as I love finding asparagus in abundance!
Caramel Apple Vodka – Special Recipe You Need To Know! (2021)
So, I’m trying to get through this doggone “thing” I’ve got…
I’m not sure whether I have a cold, the flu, or the bubonic plague.
Whatever it is, it is making me feel terrible, and I want it to go away…
Isn’t it true that alcohol helps to kill germs? If I’m not mistaken, it does.
So, obviously, this Caramel Apple Vodka Martini (with its two types of vodka)..
…should be beneficial to my health.
Sum Up
Among the many nutrients contained in apples are antioxidants…
…vitamins, dietary fiber, and a range of other vitamins and minerals.
These foods may help prevent various conditions…
…due to their variety of nutrients. A variety of shapes, colors…
…and flavors of apples provide a range of nutrients that benefit…
…many aspects of a person’s health. eating apple may, for example…
…reduce the risk of cancer obesity heart disease diabetes, and other conditions.
If you find this is helpful be sure to leave a comment!
Above all, I love to hear from you guys and always…
…do my best to respond to each and every comment.
More Related Apples Articles For You!
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Hi there! I’m a food enthusiast and journalist, and I have a real passion for food that goes beyond the kitchen. I love my dream job and I’m lucky enough to be able to share my knowledge with readers of several large media outlets. My specialty is writing engaging food-related content, and I take pride in being able to connect with my audience. I’m known for my creativity in the kitchen, and I’m confident that I can be the perfect guide for anyone looking to take their culinary journey to the next level.